Calculate and
save more

Savings Calculator

Use our savings calculator to estimate how much you could save over the life of your loan with our low variable rate and a loyalty discount that gets better and better.

  • 6 easy steps.
    And done.

    We've used the latest technology to make your application experience faster and easier.
    Phone screen iamge of Get Started

    get started

    What are you looking to do?
    I’m Buying
    See your maximum borrowing amount and apply for conditional approval
    I’m refinancing
    Switch your current home loan to Unloan
  • Step 1
    Add your property

    Look up your castle, add it, and presto.
    Phone screen image of step 1: adding an address in app
  • Step 2
    Add your details

    Add any other borrowers you're applying with.
    Phone screen image of step 2: adding peoiple to the account
  • Step 3
    Add your income

    The one time it’s not rude to talk about money.
    Phone screen image of step3: adding your income
  • Step 4
    Add your expenses

    Food, bills, utilities, you know, life stuff.
    Don’t worry, we’ve made it really easy for you.
    Phone screen image of step4: adding your expenses
  • Step 5
    Add your debts

    And any loans or liabilities you may have.
    Big or small, let us know.
    Phone screen image of step5: adding your debts
  • Step 6
    Submit application

    Setup your new home loan and verify your application.
    You're All Done

In case you missed anything

You’ll be able to see:

  • An estimate of your minimum monthly principal and interest repayments by refinancing to Unloan
  • What changes occur if you make additional repayments
  • An estimate of how much interest you could save by refinancing to Unloan
  • How our annual discount works over the life of your loan

You can apply for Unloan in minutes. Learn more about the Unloan application process here.

Choose what type of loan you’re looking at calculating the repayments for, whether for live-in (owner-occupied) loans or investment loans. Enter the loan amount, loan term, and the other rate you compare our rate to.

The visual graph provides a comparison between the Unloan rate including the annual discount that increases every year (up to 30 years) and the other loan's interest rate. Underneath the graph, it will showcase an estimate of what you could save over the life of your loan when refinancing to Unloan.

Please note that these calculations are an estimate provided as a guide only. They are calculated based on our current advertised rate and assume this rate continues for the life of the loan. Interest rates may change at any time.

We like to keep things radically simple, so you can apply in minutes. Once we receive the necessary documents, we’ll run all the standard checks. If you’re approved, we’ll formally request a transfer from your current lender. This is often when delays can occur. On average, from application to settlement, it has taken our existing customers five to six weeks to switch over.

The calculations on our refinance home loan calculator and mortgage interest calculator are an estimate provided as a guide only. They are calculated based on our current advertised interest rate and assume this rate continues for the life of the loan until the loan settlement date is reached. Interest rates may change at any time.

Calculations are not home loan approvals. Applications are subject to credit approval, satisfactory security, and minimum deposit requirements. Full terms and conditions will be set out in our loan offer, if an offer is made.

As the refinance home loan calculator has been provided without considering your objectives, financial situation or needs, you should consider the appropriateness of any outcomes to your circumstances, and seek independent advice as required. Take note that our calculations do not consider product features or grants.

When you refinance your home loan, it’s often to get a lower home loan rate and save money in the short and long term. By undoing your home loan with Unloan, not only are you on one simple low rate, but you’ll receive an automatic annual discount that increases every year you stay with us, up to 30 years.

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